Exhibition Discussion with Professor Natalia Sobrevilla Perea
Join us for an evening discussion centred around Claudia Martínez Garay’s work, and its weaving of the socio-political history of Peru with her indigenous heritage. The artist grew up during the internal conflict between the terrorist group Shining Path and the Peruvian military and state forces. Professor Natalia Sobrevilla Perea will discuss the evolution of the Peruvian nation state post-independence to the present day.
Professor Sobrevilla Perea teaches Latin American history and politics at the University of Kent, and in 2011 published her monograph The Caudillo of the Andes: Andres de Santa Cruz with Cambridge University Press. Supported through a Humboldt Fellowship with the Free University of Berlin 2014-15, she is currently writing a publication on the history of the army and origins of the state in Peru from 1800 to 1860.
She has contributed to the creation of the Digital collection of the Museum of Memory in Lima Peru (LUM), the digitalisation of newspapers with the support of the British Library Endangered Programme, and is a regular contributor on issues of history and archives in the press and publishes a bi-monthly column in Peru’s prestigious newspaper El Comercio.