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Children attend Discovery Film Festival

Support DCA

Every penny you give makes a difference

Donate to DCA online or when you visit: your support enables us to keep enriching people's lives through art, culture and creativity. 

Dundee Contemporary Arts is one of Scotland’s foremost contemporary art organisations and a registered charity (no. SC026631). We have been a vital part of Dundee and Scotland's cultural life since 1999, and we're only able to fulfil this role thanks to the generous support we receive from our donors and funders. 

As a charity all the income we receive goes straight back into enabling audiences, artists and participants to see, experience and create, through our four programme areas: Exhibitions, Cinema, Print and Learning.

You can donate online or when you visit DCA. You can also support us by becoming a Member, Friend or Patron. 

Why support DCA?

Arts and culture are under unprecedented pressure across the UK, as the long-term impacts of the Covid pandemic blur with a cost-of-living crisis and stagnant public funding. DCA continues to change the lives of the people who interact with our programmes every day, but we can only continue to do so with the generous support of our donors, funders, friends and patrons. 


“It was so inspiring to be in the studio and see all the artists working around me.”

“Great to have my critical faculties re-engaged by being in the presence of actual art.”


All donations help us to continue enriching people’s lives through art, culture and creativity, and every donation makes a difference. 


If you’d like to find out more about how your donation will be used, or about other ways you can support DCA, please contact Shelley Barclay, Development Manager, on

To hear more about our work, both in our building and in communities across Dundee, please read our Annual Report.

View our latest annual report

Annual Report 2023-24

3.5 MB (PDF)

Our Supporters

DCA relies, now more than ever, on support from a range of sources in order to keep enriching people’s lives through art, culture and creativity. From projects funded by trusts and foundations and substantial gifts from individuals and companies; to the ongoing support of our Patrons, Friends and Members and the many one-off donations we receive from our audiences and well-wishers, every part of this fundraising activity is absolutely vital to our ongoing success.


Creative Scotland Logo in black on white background
Dundee Logo in black on white background


The University of Dundee logo.


71 BrewingNorthwood Charitable Trust
Alexander Moncur TrustPaul Hamlyn Foundation
Art FundQuébec Government Office, London
Cycling Scotland​Scottish Enterprise
Diversity Art Forum​Tay Charitable Trust
Embassy of the Kingdom of the NetherlandsThe George and Grace Thomson Trust
Film Hub ScotlandThe Hugh Fraser Foundation
Freelands FoundationThe Mathew Trust
Gordon Fraser Charitable TrustThe Misses Barrie Charitable Trust
Henry Moore FoundationThe Mondriaan Fund
Jerwood FoundationThe Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee
Leng Charitable TrustThe William S Phillips Fund
Lethendy Charitable TrustThe William Syson Foundation
Ninja Kiwi 
Director's Circle
Jacquie and Richard Roberts
Tim Allan


DCA20 Patrons
Joe LaffertyOli and Sam
Matthew CormackSiobhan Dundee
Ann BatesMichael Small
Andrew BlackSophie Crichton Stuart
Alexander and Sophie LindsayThomas Veit and Peter Glancy
Mary Emma Adams 
Heather AndersonFrank Krikhaar
John BarnettIain Luke
Richard BowmanKirsty Noltie
Simon DessainJeanette Paul
Pat FisherPeter Rowson
Steve GrimmondKat Small
Michael HallAlastair Stewart
And those who wish to remain anonymous

Fundraising guarantee

DCA is committed to good fundraising. We could not fulfil our charitable mission without the support of generous, thoughtful and committed donors. We value the support of donors and understand the need to balance our duties to beneficiaries, with our duties to donors.

We will comply with the law as it applies to charities and fundraising and we commit that we will guarantee to adhere to best practice as outlined in the Fundraising Code of Practice.

We will monitor fundraisers, volunteers and third parties working with us to raise funds, ensuring that they also comply with this Code of Practice.

We guarantee to operate in line with the values of the Code; to be Legal, Open, Honest and Respectful in all our fundraising. To promote and underpin these values, we commit to the following standards:

  • We will be clear about who we are and what we do
  • We will give a clear explanation of how you can make a gift and change or stop a regular donation
  • If you do not want to give or wish to cease giving, we will respect your decision
  • We will respect your rights and privacy
  • We have a procedure for dealing with people in vulnerable circumstances and it will be published on our website or will otherwise be available on request
  • We will hold your data securely
  • We will communicate with you in accordance with your selected preferences.

If you feel we have not adhered to these standards, or think we could do better please contact Shelley Barclay, Development Executive, on and we will deal with your complaint quickly and thoroughly.

We commit to ensuring our complaints process is clear and easily accessible and we will provide clear and evidence-based reasons for our decisions on complaints.

However, should you be dissatisfied with our response, you will be able to take this further by contacting the Scottish Fundraising Standards Panel: